FNN-Roadmap: Vom Netz zum System
The Energy System in 2030
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VDE FNN Zielbild "Energiesystem 2030"
Towards a “climate protection grid” by 2030
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VDE application rules
Technical Connection Rules (TCR)
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The VDE Application Rules lay down the technical requirements for the connection and operation of energy storage in Germany
Compatible network connection for energy storage
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European Network Codes
European Network Codes
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Network planning, network operation and safety

The general electrical energy supply is one of the Critical Infrastructures. The increasingly fluctuating generation is resulting in rapidly changing operating conditions. These require relevant network operation measures and intervention options.

In planning power grids, network operators determine the long-term requirement for safe and efficient operation.

The complexity of system operation is also reinforcing the need for information exchange and a corresponding utilization of information and communications technology.

Information exchange must be reliable, secure, and sometimes very fast. Operating equipment or power generating plants and consumption installations must increasingly be controlled. This requires processes – both within a network and in exchange with other network operators and external market players.

VDE FNN is actively helping to shape this development in an application-oriented way, for example, by means of application and implementation assistance. The overarching goal is to maintain safe and reliable network operation.

Operation of power grids (network operation)