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Technical Connection Rules (TCR)

Because of changes caused by the energy revolution, supplying power is becoming more complex. This change is particularly noticeable in the number of customer systems on the power grid. Thanks to the numerous, often small, renewable energy plants, significantly more plants are connected to the grid than before. In contrast to large, conventional power plants, many of these smaller ones are connected to low and medium voltage grids. As the number of plants increases and the new challenges for lower network levels grow, it has become essential to implement requirements on customer systems that are uniform nationwide. These are prepared in advance by VDE FNN in the form of Technical Connection Rules.

The Technical Connection Rules (TCR) outline the essential issues to consider when connecting customer systems to the public utility grid. Moreover, the TCR contain important information on the operation of such systems.

The TCR are the basis for the technical connection conditions (TCC) of grid operators. They determine the duties of the grid operator, plant operator, planner and customer. The grid operator's TCC, together with the "technical regulations" set out in § 19 EnWG, are an integral part of grid connection contracts and connection conditions.

Technical Connection Rules in brief