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VDE FNN in focus

As a technical regulator, the Forum Network Technology and Network Operation in the VDE (VDE FNN) is actively driving the fundamental transformation of the power grid brought about by the energy transition. Its members are companies that work for the power grid. Important publications include the VDE-Application Rules, FNN Guidelines, FNN Studies FNN Positions

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VDE FNN in figures

  • Year founded: 2008
  • Members: Over 470 companies and organizations
  • Published VDE-Application rules: 24
  • Published FNN guidelines: around 90
  • Voluntary employees in committees: Approx. 500

Last updated 03/2021


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The basis of our work

  • The power grid is the basis for the successful implementation of the energy transition.
  • Transmission systems, distribution networks and generating plants must be developed as one interconnected system.
  • The entire system needs to be developed further both technically and in market terms.
  • Targeted and proactive technical development is essential for avoiding costly retrofits.
  • An orientation on the diversity of individual interests is not effective.



What defines VDE FNN

  • In VDE FNN different stakeholders such as manufacturers, network operators, generating plant operators and scientific institutions identify upcoming technical challenges and develop joint solutions.
  • The objective is to maintain a safe system operation with an increasing penetration of renewable energies. Specifically, this means to ensure safe system operation with 80% renewable energies by 2050 under all operating conditions. Supply quality and availability must remain at current levels.
  • The VDE-Application Rules support a transparent and proactive development of the overall system.

Delivering results

  • The cooperation of expert groups on forward-thinking regulation leads to a higher security of investment for product developers, manufacturers, network customers and network operators.
  • Output from technical regulation at VDE FNN supports a rapid application of innovative technologies, making them suitable for everyday operation and ensuring their compatibility with the overall system.

What we strive to achieve

  • Serve as point of contact for the technical implementation of the energy transition
  • Strengthen VDE FNN´s position in politics, media and the public sphere
  • Raise awareness for the importance of electrical networks and the proactive technical development of the entire system
  • Establish framework conditions for technical self-regulation
  • Liaise with experts in public institutions and research institutes


  • VDE FNN is financed through membership contributions and publications.
  • VDE FNN Members include companies that operate or provide services to the power grid as well as developers of network technology and operators of systems connected to the power grid.


The Forum for Network Technology & Network Operation is a committee within the VDE association, as per Art. 12 of the VDE statutes. The most important committees within VDE FNN are the Board, Forum, Steering Groups, Project Groups and Expert Networks.


The FNN Board consists of the chairman of the Forum, two vice-chairmen and a VDE Board member represented in the FNN. The term of office of the current Board of Directors: April 27, 2024 to April 26, 2027.

Our team

Managing Director

Office Manager

Public Relations

Project Managers


Forum Netztechnik/Netzbetrieb in the VDE (FNN)
Bismarckstr. 33
10625 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 383868-70
Fax: +49 30 383868-77


VDE FNN history

Here you will find selected milestones from the VDE FNN work since its foundation in 2008.

Spannungsfestigkeit Spannungsüberhöhungen

VDE FNN study "Dielectric strength" shows the extent to which equipment can handle higher voltages.

  • Starting signal for the multi-phase VDE FNN study to determine unbalance limits has been given
  • Reliability of power supply in Germany remains high: only 12 minutes of interruption per customer
  • VDE FNN advocates grid operation as part of system-critical services
  • VDE regulations provide basis for connection and operation of plug-in PV systems
  • VDE FNN publishes stories on e-mobility, energy transition and power grid in six podcast episodes with exciting guests
  • VDE-Application Rule VDE-AR-N 4222 brings together for the first time all the essential requirements for laying protective conduits and cables in a single document
  • VDE FNN study "Dielectric strength" shows the extent to which equipment can cope with higher voltages