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VDE FNN in focus

As a technical regulator, the Forum Network Technology and Network Operation in the VDE (VDE FNN) is actively driving the fundamental transformation of the power grid brought about by the energy transition. Its members are companies that work for the power grid. Important publications include the VDE-Application Rules, FNN Guidelines, FNN Studies FNN Positions

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VDE FNN in figures

  • Year founded: 2008
  • Members: Over 470 companies and organizations
  • Published VDE-Application rules: 24
  • Published FNN guidelines: around 90
  • Voluntary employees in committees: Approx. 500

Last updated 03/2021


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The basis of our work

  • The power grid is the basis for the successful implementation of the energy transition.
  • Transmission systems, distribution networks and generating plants must be developed as one interconnected system.
  • The entire system needs to be developed further both technically and in market terms.
  • Targeted and proactive technical development is essential for avoiding costly retrofits.
  • An orientation on the diversity of individual interests is not effective.



What defines VDE FNN

  • In VDE FNN different stakeholders such as manufacturers, network operators, generating plant operators and scientific institutions identify upcoming technical challenges and develop joint solutions.
  • The objective is to maintain a safe system operation with an increasing penetration of renewable energies. Specifically, this means to ensure safe system operation with 80% renewable energies by 2050 under all operating conditions. Supply quality and availability must remain at current levels.
  • The VDE-Application Rules support a transparent and proactive development of the overall system.

Delivering results

  • The cooperation of expert groups on forward-thinking regulation leads to a higher security of investment for product developers, manufacturers, network customers and network operators.
  • Output from technical regulation at VDE FNN supports a rapid application of innovative technologies, making them suitable for everyday operation and ensuring their compatibility with the overall system.

What we strive to achieve

  • Serve as point of contact for the technical implementation of the energy transition
  • Strengthen VDE FNN´s position in politics, media and the public sphere
  • Raise awareness for the importance of electrical networks and the proactive technical development of the entire system
  • Establish framework conditions for technical self-regulation
  • Liaise with experts in public institutions and research institutes


  • VDE FNN is financed through membership contributions and publications.
  • VDE FNN Members include companies that operate or provide services to the power grid as well as developers of network technology and operators of systems connected to the power grid.


The Forum for Network Technology & Network Operation is a committee within the VDE association, as per Art. 12 of the VDE statutes. The most important committees within VDE FNN are the Board, Forum, Steering Groups, Project Groups and Expert Networks.



  • Defines the strategic goals of VDE FNN
  • Represents VDE FNN externally
  • Publish positions on pressing topics
  • Manages the integration in the VDE group


The members of the Forum (see below) elect the board among themselves every three years. The board consists of a chairman and two deputy chairmen. All relevant expert circles should be represented: transmission system operators, distribution system operators and manufacturers. A member of the VDE Board is also part of the VDE FNN Board.



  • Leads the activities in VDE FNN
  • Defines main topics
  • Manage the Steerings Groups and especially the resource allocation among them
  • Decides on the publication of VDE-Application Rules and other documents

In addition, the Forum is also a place for forming opinions on current topics and network regulation. These opinions are published in coordinated VDE FNN positions.


The Forum consists of 15 experts who represent all relevant expert circles including transmission system operators, distribution system operators, manufacturers, scientific institutions and public authorities.
Members are elected by the VDE FNN Supporters Circle every three years. Besides those elected, the chairmen of the Steering Groups and one member of the VDE Board also belong to the Forum.

Steering Groups


  • Manage Project Groups and Expert Networks
  • Review and adopt deliverables
  • Report to the Forum

The technical and scientific work of VDE FNN is managed by the Steering Groups. Currently, three Steering Groups exist:

  • Network technology and network Operation
  • System aspects and network codes
  • Metering and digitalisation

The number and tasks of the Steering Groups are determined by the Board. The main task of the Steering Groups is to establish and manage Project Groups and Expert Networks. Steering Groups also approve and adopt the results from the Project Groups and Expert Networks.


The members of the Steering Groups are appointed by the Board every three years. Representatives of all expert circles work together in the Steering Groups. Steering Groups have generally 15 members.

Project Groups


  • Responsible for handling the topics assigned by the Steering Committees and developing technical requirements and guidelines

The technical work is performed in the Project Groups. Project Groups are founded by the Steering Groups with a specific assignment and are finished after the completion of their tasks. The results of their work are published mainly as VDE-Application Rules and FNN Guidelines.


Project Groups generally have up to 10 members. The positions are filled by the Steering Groups in a balanced way with representatives of all relevant expert circles. FNN Members are informed about the creation of new Project Groups and are then called to nominate experts who will be actively working in the Project Groups.

Expert Networks


Expert Networks provide an opportunity to exchange experiences on a specific topic. In contrast to Project Groups, they do not develop VDE-Application Rules. They serve to maintain and develop long-term expertise in particular topics and, if required, to enable short-term technical exchange.


Expert Networks are founded by the Steering Groups.

Supporters Circle


  • Specifies the main features of FNN’s work
  • Elects Forum members
  • Approves the VDE FNN budget and financial statements on an annual basis
  • Determines FNN Membership contributions

The Supporters Circle is the entirety of all FNN Membership. The meeting of the Supporters Circle takes place annually, to which all the members are invited. The Supporters Circle elects the 15 members of the Forum every three years.


All companies, institutions, organizations, and authorities which have special interest in promoting network technology and network operation can submit a membership application (“FNN Membership”). Membership is restricted to legal entities. The benefits of FNN Membership apply to all members of the company or institution. FNN Membership is independent of any other membership in the VDE e.V.

Management Office


  • Supports the work of the Board, Forum, Steering Groups, Project Groups and Expert Networks
  • Represents VDE FNN externally
  • Serves as point of contact for VDE FNN members
  • Organizes events


The FNN Board consists of the chairman of the Forum, two vice-chairmen and a VDE Board member represented in the FNN. The term of office of the current Board of Directors: April 27, 2024 to April 26, 2027.

Dr. Joachim Kabs, VDE FNN Vorstandsvorsitzender und Geschäftsführer Ressort Netzdienste, Bayernwerk Netz GmbH


Dr. Joachim Kabs, Bayernwerk Netz GmbH, Regensburg

Dr. Joachim Kabs, VDE FNN Vorstandsvorsitzender und Geschäftsführer Ressort Netzdienste, Bayernwerk Netz GmbH

Dr. Joachim Kabs, Bayernwerk Netz GmbH, Regensburg

Dr. Joachim Kabs (51) has been a member of the management board of the distribution network operator Bayernwerk Netz GmbH since 2021 and is responsible for the operational network business. He previously held various management positions in the EON Group, most recently as technical director of Schleswig-Holstein Netz AG. He is committed to sustainable network development for the implementation of the energy turnaround, among other things in BDEW, DVGW and overarching research projects. He holds a doctorate in physics and studied at the University of Erlangen and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Joachim Kabs has four children and lives with his family near Munich.

Dr. Dirk Biermann, VDE FNN Vorstand und Geschäftsführer Märkte und Systembetrieb, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH


Dr. Dirk Biermann , 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, Berlin

Dr. Dirk Biermann, VDE FNN Vorstand und Geschäftsführer Märkte und Systembetrieb, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH

Dr. Dirk Biermann , 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, Berlin

Dr. Dirk Biermann (52) has been a member of the management board of the transmission system operator 50Hertz Transmission GmbH since 2012 and is responsible for system operations and network planning as well as energy economics and all market-related activities of the company. He is also involved in industry co-operations, including serving on the board of the association of European transmission system operators ENTSO-E as well as on the supervisory boards of joint companies of European transmission system operators and of European Energy Exchange EEX. Dirk Biermann, who holds a doctorate in electrical engineering, studied at RWTH Aachen University and subsequently held various positions in the Vattenfall Group. Dirk Biermann is married, has two children and lives with his family in Berlin.



Ingo Schönberg, PPC AG, Mannheim


Ingo Schönberg, PPC AG, Mannheim

Ingo Schönberg (57) is one of the founders and CEO of the smart meter gateway manufacturer PPC AG. After completing his engineering studies in process/chemical engineering and business administration, he helped establish the energy division of the newly founded Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT. Ingo Schönberg then worked for the Mannheim-based energy supplier MVV Energie in various management positions in electricity/district heating and energy services, as well as managing director of the telecommunications subsidiary. Among other things, he is a board member of the ZVEI energy technology division and a member of the advisory board for the BMWi barometer. Ingo Schönberg is married, has two children and lives with his family in Weinheim.

Ansgar Hinz

VDE Board Member

Ansgar Hinz, VDE, Frankfurt (M.)

Ansgar Hinz

Ansgar Hinz, VDE, Frankfurt (M.)

Ansgar Hinz has been executive chairman of the VDE since 14/04/2016.

Ansgar Hinz studied general electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen before starting his career at the Reinhausen Group in Regensburg in 1994. He has held various positions including Managing Director at MESSKO GmbH and Division Manager at Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen.

Our team

Managing Director

Office Manager

Public Relations

Project Managers


Area of expertise



Thoralf Bohn, Dipl.-Ing.

System operation, environmental protection and conservation

+49 69 8306-969


Malte Bolczek, Dr.-Ing.

Grid connection and future grids

+49 698306-893


Frank Borchardt, Dipl.-Ing.

Digitalisation and metering

+49 69 8306-962


Sila Ekmekci-Flierl

Information security, communication technology

+151 54423019


Mike Elsner, Dipl.-Ing.

Metering and Power Line Crossings

+49 69 8306-968


Salome Gonzalez Vazquez, M.Sc.

International Relations

+49 69 8306-949


Gabi Jurleit, M.-Eng.

Network technology and network operation

+49 69 8306-899


Phillip Miersch, M. Sc.

Network Integration of New Players

+49 69 8306-974


Dieter Quadflieg, Dipl.-Ing.

Network and Supply Quality

+49 69 6308-420


Simon Widrinna, M.Sc.

Sustainable network operation

+49 69 8306-976


Laura Woryna, M.Sc.

Digitalisation and Metering

+49 69 8306-963


Christoph Wulkow, M.Sc.

Grid connection and system requirements

+49 69 8306-970



Forum Netztechnik/Netzbetrieb in the VDE (FNN)
Bismarckstr. 33
10625 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 383868-70
Fax: +49 30 383868-77


VDE FNN history

Here you will find selected milestones from the VDE FNN work since its foundation in 2008.

Spannungsfestigkeit Spannungsüberhöhungen


VDE FNN study "Dielectric strength" shows the extent to which equipment can handle higher voltages.

Spannungsfestigkeit Spannungsüberhöhungen

VDE FNN study "Dielectric strength" shows the extent to which equipment can handle higher voltages.

  • Starting signal for the multi-phase VDE FNN study to determine unbalance limits has been given
  • Reliability of power supply in Germany remains high: only 12 minutes of interruption per customer
  • VDE FNN advocates grid operation as part of system-critical services
  • VDE regulations provide basis for connection and operation of plug-in PV systems
  • VDE FNN publishes stories on e-mobility, energy transition and power grid in six podcast episodes with exciting guests
  • VDE-Application Rule VDE-AR-N 4222 brings together for the first time all the essential requirements for laying protective conduits and cables in a single document
  • VDE FNN study "Dielectric strength" shows the extent to which equipment can cope with higher voltages
VDE FNN definiert in einem Hinweis Anforderungen für den netzverträglichen Anschluss von Batteriespeichern für Photovoltaik.


VDE FNN creates the basis for the first nationwide uniform measurement and billing of electricity from storage systems with the Guideline "Connection and operation of storage systems to the low-voltage grid".

VDE FNN definiert in einem Hinweis Anforderungen für den netzverträglichen Anschluss von Batteriespeichern für Photovoltaik.

VDE FNN creates the basis for the first nationwide uniform measurement and billing of electricity from storage systems with the Guideline "Connection and operation of storage systems to the low-voltage grid".

  • With the TCR Low Voltage, VDE FNN creates a compact basic set of rules for this voltage level and thus replaces nine sets of rules and regulations.
  • VDE FNN makes the network condition monitor mandatory nationwide.
  • VDE FNN start-up competition "FNN InnovationHub" was launched
  • VDE FNN Guideline on e-mobility classifies charging technologies and services technically and explains the conditions for connection to different voltage levels
  • VDE FNN creates the basis for the first nationwide standardized measurement and billing of electricity from storage systems with the Guideline "Connection and Operation of Storage Systems on the Low-Voltage Grid
  • Supply reliability in Germany remains at top level: 13.3 minutes of interruption per customer


VDE FNN celebrates its 10th anniversary at the "Grid'n'Roll" event in Berlin.


VDE FNN celebrates its 10th anniversary at the "Grid'n'Roll" event in Berlin.

  • VDE FNN celebrates 10th anniversary at "Grid'n'Roll" event in Berlin
  • EU-compliant grid connection rules for all voltage levels published on time (TCR medium voltage, TCR high voltage, TCR extra high voltage, generation plants at low voltage)
  • VDE FNN organizes panel discussion "Integration of Renewable Energies in Europe: Where do we go from here?" in Brussels
  • Second phase of VDE FNN coordinated test phase of smart metering systems completed (small field test)
  • Specification "control box" published, basis for load and generation management via smart metering system
  • Concept for coordination function at operating level for smart metering system published
  • Application rule "Planning principles for 110 kV grids" (VDE-AR-N 4121) published


Presentation of the FNN Roadmap "From Network to System" at the Network Technology Congress in Nuremberg.


Presentation of the FNN Roadmap "From Network to System" at the Network Technology Congress in Nuremberg.

  • Presentation of the FNN Roadmap "From Grid to System" at the Network Technology Congress in Nuremberg
  • Application rule "Cascade" (VDE AR-N 4140) comes into force and improves cooperation of network operators in critical network situations
  • FNN Guideline "Peak capping" shows network operators how to make optimum use of the new planning tool
  • Application rule "Provision of network information" (VDE AR-N 4203) comes into force and streamlines processes
  • FNN position "The network as a backbone for electromobility" published
  • FNN position "5G for power grid operation" published
  • FNN study "Secure system operation with information and communication technologies" published


The FNN Guideline "Power line crossing" becomes effective.


The FNN Guideline "Power line crossing" becomes effective.

  • Network Code Requirements for Generators (RfG) has been published
  • New VDE FNN website online
  • FNN Guideline "Power Line Crossing"
  • THE FNN Gridsandbox goes into operation


Among many events, the first Gridslam took place in 2015.


Among many events, the first Gridslam took place in 2015.

  • From grid to system: Grid Technology Congress
  • 1st Gridslam
  • ZMP - the future has begun
  • TAB expert forum
  • Supporters circle initiates taskforce process


The 8th FNN/ETG Tutorial Protection/Conduction Technology took place.


The 8th FNN/ETG Tutorial Protection/Conduction Technology took place.

  • 8th FNN/ETG Tutorial Protection/Conduction Technology
  • 3rd forum selected
01_08_2013 (1)


The TAB Expert Forum, the ZMP and the Technical Congress on Network Technology took place.

01_08_2013 (1)

The TAB Expert Forum, the ZMP and the Technical Congress on Network Technology took place.

  • FNN App - a new service
  • 1st Munich Energy Days Convergence of electricity and gas
  • TAB Expert Forum - TAB in the world of Smart Grid / Smart Meter
  • ZMP - Metering systems - the key to the new energy world
  • Network Technology Congress - Future Project Networks - Technology in Transition
VDE|FNN vereinfacht mit Hinweis „Elektronischer Lieferschein" Bestellprozesse beim intelligenten Messsystem.


The FNN Guideline "Electronic delivery bill for measuring equipment and components for measuring systems" has been published.

VDE|FNN vereinfacht mit Hinweis „Elektronischer Lieferschein" Bestellprozesse beim intelligenten Messsystem.

The FNN Guideline "Electronic delivery bill for measuring equipment and components for measuring systems" has been published.

  •  Outdoor connection cabinets (VDE-AR-N 4102)
  • electronic delivery bill for measuring equipment and components for measuring systems
  • Project Measuring System 2020 - Goals
  • TAB high voltage (VDE-AR-N 4120)
  • Safety in power supply (S 1001)
01_10_2011 (1)


VDE-Application Rule "Outdoor Connection Cabinets" (VDE-AR-N 4102) has been published.

01_10_2011 (1)

VDE-Application Rule "Outdoor Connection Cabinets" (VDE-AR-N 4102) has been published.

  • TAB Expert Forum - From guideline to Application rule
  • 2nd forum selected
  • Outdoor connection cabinets (VDE-AR-N 4102)
  • ZMP - Innovative Metering Challenge 2020
  • Generation plants on the low-voltage grid (VDE-AR-N 4105)
  • Modern metering stations for the requirements of smart metering, smart grid and smart home (VDE-AR-N 4101)
  • Electricity metering - Metering Code (VDE-AR-N 4400)
  • Network technology congress - Between day-to-day business and system change
Witterungsabhängiger Freileitungsbetrieb ermöglicht nach dem NOVA-Prinzip eine effizientere Auslastung vom Stromnetz.


VDE-Application rule "Weather-dependent overhead line operation" (VDE-AR-N 4210) comes into force.

Witterungsabhängiger Freileitungsbetrieb ermöglicht nach dem NOVA-Prinzip eine effizientere Auslastung vom Stromnetz.

VDE-Application rule "Weather-dependent overhead line operation" (VDE-AR-N 4210) comes into force.

  • VDE-AR-N 100
  • VDE FNN specification for EDL 21 meters - electronic residential meters - functional characteristics and protocols
  • Weather-dependent overhead line operation (VDE-AR-N 4210)
  • Requirements for the qualification of companies for the operation of electrical power supply networks (VDE-AR-N 4001; S 1000)
  • Requirements for metering stations in electrical installations in the low-voltage network (VDE-AR-N 4101)
  • Bird protection on medium-voltage overhead lines (VDE-AR-N 4210)
  • Electricity metering (VDE-AR-N 4400)


The VDE application rule "Network Documentation" creates the basis for the use of geographic information systems (GIS) by network operators.


The VDE application rule "Network Documentation" creates the basis for the use of geographic information systems (GIS) by network operators.

  • Constitution of steering groups
  • TAB Expert Forum - Committed to the future: Energy Efficiency and TAB
  • ZMP - Smart Metering - The revolution in metering?
  • Technical minimum requirements for network documentation (E-VDE AR-N 4201)
  • VDE FNN specifies communication module for smart metering
  • Modular concept for household meters
  • Network Technology Congress - Innovative Technology and modern Management


In 2008 the office was founded and built up.


In 2008 the office was founded and built up.

  • Foundation and establishment of the office
  • Election of the chair