Backbone - The consumer magazine on E-Mobility and the power grid
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Meta-study "Research overview for the grid integration of E-Mobility"
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E-Mobility and the grid


Interest in E-Mobility is growing. The decisive factor for the success of E-Mobility is a proper integration into the energy system from the outset. In this way, E-Mobility can be deployed faster, cost-effectively and can serve as additional support for the entire power system.

Our criteria for a successful implementation of E-Mobility

  • Charging devices must be controllable through the network to help alleviate grid constraints,
  • Three-phase power consumption must become the standard for charging,
  • Robust planning corridors are a prerequisite for efficient network expansion,
  • E-Mobility should be able to provide flexibility in the future energy system,
  • High power charging (HPC) stations must be connected at least to the medium voltage network and support grid-compatible charging.

Expertise and technical regulation

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Backbone – The consumer magazine on E-Mobility and the power grid

What happens with the power grid when everyone drives an electric car? Can I charge my electric car through the socket at home? The online magazine "Backbone" answers questions from consumers about the power grid and e-mobility.


What happens with the power grid when everyone drives an electric car? Can I charge my electric car through the socket at home? The online magazine "Backbone" answers questions from consumers about the power grid and e-mobility.

VDE FNN explains through stories, interviews and videos how the power grid works and how E-Mobility can be properly integrated into the grid right from the beginning.

VDE|FNN definiert Technische Anschlussregeln für den Netzanschluss elektrischer Anlagen am Niederspannungsnetz, z.B. Speicher.

Technical regulation and implementation support

Using the power grid to charge electric vehicles (EV) poses new challenges to the whole energy system. Technical requirements for network technology and operation must be met in order to ensure a highly reliable power supply. These are defined by VDE FNN in its Application Rules and other documents to support the implementation of e-mobility.

VDE|FNN definiert Technische Anschlussregeln für den Netzanschluss elektrischer Anlagen am Niederspannungsnetz, z.B. Speicher.

Using the power grid to charge electric vehicles (EV) poses new challenges to the whole energy system. Technical requirements for network technology and operation must be met in order to ensure a highly reliable power supply. These are defined by VDE FNN in its Application Rules and other documents to support the implementation of e-mobility.

Scientific foundations for a sustainable grid integration

In the meta-study "Research overview for the grid integration of E-Mobility", VDE FNN and the Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (Federal Association of Energy and Water Management), BDEW, has published a report to investigate the impact of increasing e-mobility on the power grid. The meta-study provides recommendations based on scientific facts for a successful grid integration of E-Mobility.

In the meta-study "Research overview for the grid integration of E-Mobility", VDE FNN and the Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (Federal Association of Energy and Water Management), BDEW, has published a report to investigate the impact of increasing e-mobility on the power grid. The meta-study provides recommendations based on scientific facts for a successful grid integration of E-Mobility.

VDE FNN Work Packages

Work package


Status (expected publication)

FNN Guidline on grid integration of E-Mobility (GER)

Grid integration E-Mobility


Meta-study "Research overview for the grid integration of E-Mobility"

Grid integration E-Mobility


Grid operation use cases for E-Mobility

Grid integration E-Mobility

In progress

Development of planning and operating principles

Grid integration E-Mobility

In progress

Control of charging processes

Grid integration E-Mobility

In progress
