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2019-09-16 application rule

Technical Connection Rules for Low-Voltage (VDE-AR-N 4100)

Main innovations in the charging device range for electromobility, accumulators and structure of TCR Low-Voltage

16.09.2019: Corrigendum to subclause 7.2 "Execution of the meter panels" and Energy Storage Datasheet (to the correction).

The Forum Network Technology/Network Operation (FNN) in VDE, in its draft of the "Technical Connection Rules Low-Voltage" VDE-AR-N 4100 (TAR Low-Voltage) Code of Practice, defines the requirements on charging devices for electric vehicles. In the future, charging devices from power rating exceeding 4.6 kVA shall be registered with the network operator. In addition, network-beneficial behavior of the charging device is required, for example, strategy of power-factor correction. VDE FNN creates with these new requirements the preconditions necessary to integrating larger quantities of electric cars in the low-voltage grids.

Technical requirements on storages were newly incorporated which so far existed as VDE FNN note "Connection and Operation of Accumulators on Low-Voltage Grids" (2016). Thus, the permissible limiting values for perturbations are, for example, also described in the TCR Low-Voltage for accumulators and power generating plants. The FNN note on accumulators, however, describes the various measuring concepts therefore remains valid.

Important for all users: A new, standardized basic set of rules for this voltage level is created by the TCR Low-Voltage, thereby replacing nine sets of rules for the grid connection of customer installations to the low-voltage grid:

  • "Requirements on Meter Boards in the Low-Voltage Sector" (VDE-AR-N 4101), 2015;
  • "Outdoor Incoming Supply Cabinets" (VDE-AR-N 4102), 2012;
  • "Technical Connection Requirements for Connecting to the Low-Voltage Grid TAB 2007" (Federal model text);
  • FNN Note: "Connection and Operation of Accumulators in the Low-Voltage Grid", 2016
  • VDN Guideline "Emergency Generators", 2004;
  • the technical requirements concerning access to low-voltage grids of the Distribution Code 2007;
  • DIN VDE 0100-732 (VDE 0100-732) "Cable entries into buildings in public cable networks";
  • VDN Guideline"Overvoltage Protection Devices Type 1";
  • the VDEW material M-38/97 "Requirements on Lead Seal Locks", issue 1997.

The new TCR Low-Voltage applies for demand facilities and – in connection with VDE-AR-N 4105 "Power Generating Plants Connected to the Low-Voltage Grid" – also for power generating plants. Merging of both documents in a Code of Practice is planned in the long run.

Both documents are part of the VDE|FNN activities to make innovative technologies such as accumulators and electromobility suitable for everyday life and system-compatible at a faster pace.

Target Groups

  • Network operators
  • Electrical craft
  • Manufacturers

Benefit and Improvement

  • new requirements on charging devices for electric vehicles
  • technical requirements on accumulators in the low voltage grid
  • User-friendly rules and standards: TCR Low-Voltage replaces several old documents


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