VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e. V.
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The importance of technical regulation

The Forum for Network Technology & Network Operation in the VDE (VDE FNN) is the technical regulator for topics related to grid technology and grid operations in Germany. The importance of technical regulation as within the framework of technical self-administration is based on common rules through the collaboration of a wide range of stakeholders. Technical self-administration ensures the integration of technical expertise and increases the flexibility and acceptance of regulation. Technical regulation by VDE FNN follows clear and well-defined principles.

The work carried out by VDE FNN is laid down in the development of VDE-Application Rules. These are drawn up according to an established process by interdisciplinary project groups. A consultation period, common to standardization work, is also part of the development process. The following applies here: Application Rules are basically neutral, uniform, coherent with the body of standards, consensus-based, public, technology-neutral and forward-looking. It is important to stress that technical regulation in Germany is not done in isolation: any rules developed at national level must also be in accordance with European regulation.

Overview of technical regulation