Energy efficiency measures are important for protecting the climate and the environment
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2020-02-24 Testing + Certification

Energy Efficiency and Ecodesign – Testing and Certification at the VDE Institute

To achieve climate goals and protect the environment, policy requires and promotes energy efficiency measures. This produces economic benefits for manufacturers due to cost-saving measures, and consumers regard energy-efficient products as an important purchasing factor. The VDE is an expert in supporting energy efficiency technologies, standardizing product and testing requirements, expertly testing and assessing electrical products and in special appraisal services for environmental and energy audits.

Gert Jäckel
Infrared measuring instrument shows heat loss in a home
Dario Sabljak / Fotolia

Energy is a valuable and limited commodity. Anyone who uses it efficiently not only saves money, but helps protect the climate. The Ecodesign (ErP) Guideline, the EU Energy Label and product-specific implementations aim to establish mandatory minimum requirements for energy-related products in the name of environmental protection.

The VDE Institute has years of expertise in measuring energy efficiency and in labelling energy consumption. We use modern testing systems to ensure high testing quality. The measurement results provide information on energy savings potential and serve as proof of compliance with legal ecodesign, energy efficiency and environmental protection requirements.

Furthermore, the VDE Institute is an accredited testing laboratory for the US Energy Star program, a member in international committees and a partner in the EPEAT program for environmentally friendly information devices.

The EU Energy Label

Manufacturers are required to comply with the EU Energy Label guidelines
Fotolia / Alain Lavanchy

The European Union has enacted guidelines with the objective of reducing the energy consumption of household devices and thus, helping protect the climate. Manufacturers are obligated to comply with these guidelines, and the consumer information required by law is provided as an energy label. Energy efficiency data, such as power and water consumption, are documented on the energy label and provide information on the energy efficiency class and the most important product characteristics at a glance. EU guidelines and European Norms are the basis for testing.  Furthermore, the label design is precisely prescribed by Directive 2010/30/EC on the regulation of energy labelling.

In addition to performing energy efficiency measurements, the VDE Institute deals with reviewing the label information. Since the methods for determining this data are very sensitive, there are very high standards for testing equipment, tools and personnel at the VDE Institute. A VDE Institute-tested and certified product that not only has the energy label but also a VDE mark greatly stands out due to its safety and quality.

We test and certify the energy efficiency of the following product groups

  • External power supplies (switching power supplies, transformers and chargers)
  • Household devices
  • Power transformers
  • Light sources and/or related operating equipment
  • Consumer electronics products, audio, video and related devices
  • Information and communication technology products and office equipment
  • Room heaters and circulation pumps
  • Power inverters

Comprehensive test spectrum from the VDE Institute

Our tests are based on the Ecodesign Directive and the EU Energy Label Directive.

Our tests are based on the Ecodesign Directive (ErP) 2009/125/EC and their implementing regulations along with Directive 2010/30/EU on labelling energy consumption and their delegated regulations (EU Energy Label):

Furthermore, we offer measurement services for determining the energy efficiency of electrical devices for industry and Business.

Request your offer here

Please note:
Products that fall under the Ecodesign Directive’s implementing regulations must contain information on compliance with the requirements of the applicable implementation regulation as part of CE labelling in the EU declaration of conformity. We would be glad to take care of the required special measurement tasks for that purpose and issue you a certificate of conformity.

Energy label and eco-label – all from one source, thanks to VDE

For you, our documentation of the measurement results is also the ideal basis for obtaining energy and eco-labels that were specially introduced in Europe. We are also happy to lend support in appraising products in industrial applications, such as power inverters, using our technical know-how.

The Blue Angel stands for exceptionally environmentally friendly products

The Blue Angel

The Blue Angel stands for exceptionally environmentally friendly products such as information technology devices and consumer electronics.

The Blue Angel stands for exceptionally environmentally friendly products

The Blue Angel stands for exceptionally environmentally friendly products such as information technology devices and consumer electronics.

Criteria include energy efficiency, preventing pollutants, emissions and waste.

Environmentally friendly products that help decrease environmental pollution are awarded

The Eco-Flower

The eco-flower symbolizes the EU Ecolabel, which is a recognized EU eco-label in all EU member states as well as in Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland.

Environmentally friendly products that help decrease environmental pollution are awarded

The eco-flower symbolizes the EU Ecolabel, which is a recognized EU eco-label in all EU member states as well as in Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland.

Awards are given to products with a lower environmental impact across their entire life cycle than comparable products; such as computers, laptops, televisions, dishwashers, refrigerators, or vacuum cleaners.

Energy Star is an eco-label for energy-efficient office equipment.

Energy Star

Energy Star, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is an eco-label for energy efficient office equipment.

Energy Star is an eco-label for energy-efficient office equipment.

Energy Star, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is an eco-label for energy efficient office equipment.

The EU participates in this program via an agreement. To be certified, the devices must comply with minimum categories for power consumption.

The VDE Institute’s testing technology – precise and reliable

Our test results provide information on energy savings potential and identify opportunities for improvement as part of environmental management appraisal. Through regular tests for market regulatory bodies and consumer protection organizations, our experts are always at the cutting edge of technology and informed about changes in the market and the needs of consumers.

At the VDE Institute, many different measurement systems are used, which are used for verifying the ecodesign requirement. The following are particularly worth mentioning:

  • Ultra-modern water treatment plant for ensuring consistent water quality along with precision test systems for reproducibly testing washing machines and dishwashers
  • Test kitchens and comprehensive testing equipment for evaluating baking results in connection with energy efficiency for evaluating baking ovens
  • Modern testing laboratory for measuring the energy efficiency of refrigerators freezers, extractor hoods and fans
  • Modern, photometic measurement equipment, such as a photogoniometer, for evaluating the energy efficiency of light sources
  • Modern EMC test center
  • Anechoic acoustic measuring room of accuracy class 1
  • Comprehensively equipped chemical laboratory for assessing chemical product safety and sustainability
  • Test laboratory for measuring the energy efficiency of vacuum cleaners

To measure the power of very low power consumption, the VDE Institute has created special measurement equipment, a low-distortion power supply with a distortion factor better than 1% and special testing room conditions to ensure precise and accurate measurement results as part of testing ecodesign requirements.

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