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VDE Training in Lightning protection and Surge protection

Lightning protection systems protect people and buildings. They prevent fire and stop undesirable effects of lightning currents. Thus, lightning protection systems are among the building components that provide safety and ensure the trouble-free provision of services. Specially trained lightning protection specialists are therefore responsible for planning, installing and maintaining lightning protection systems.

For decades, the VDE Special Committee Lightning Protection has organized advanced training in lightning and surge protection to impart this special knowledge. The primary target group are

  • Persons with a vocational training in which lightning protection was already included in basic outline.
  • In addition, everyone in whose daily work lightning protection systems play a role is addressed.
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The VDE training in lightning protection consists of basic seminars, advanced seminars and update seminars. These are held by training academies that cooperate with the VDE, with specially trained instructors and using VDE documentation.

Here you will find a description of the individual seminars as well as the seminar calendar with all dates of the training providers.

Training in lightning and surge protection - Seminar description

In einem Bürogebäude sind Zonen mit unterschiedlichem Schutzbedürfnis eingezeichnet.

Bürogebäude mit Blitzschutzzonen

| OBO Bettermann

This seminar provides in-depth knowledge of external and internal lightning protection as well as surge protection, which is necessary for the planning, installation, testing and maintenance of lightning protection systems based on the IEC 62305 lightning protection series of standards.

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Training Academies international

Training Academies in Germany