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VDE Politics

In dialog with politics - VDE network for the digital future

Innovative strength determines competitiveness and thus employment. In order to master technological challenges, industry, science and politics must create the necessary prerequisites for optimal general conditions in Germany and Europe. VDE is mediator and engine at the same time. With representative offices in Berlin and Brussels, but also at state level, VDE advises with its neutral expertise on technology, education, standardization and consumer protection.

VDE’s studies, analyses, recommendations and position papers provide politics with an important basis for decisions in technology policy and education policy. VDE supports the EU Commission's innovation agenda and the German government's "High-Tech Strategy" with a wide range of measures. VDE's central fields of action - in cooperation with the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany) and other German ministries - are research funding and the promotion of future technologies.

VDE in Berlin

Blick auf den Reichstag in Berlin
Marcito / Fotolia

Founded in 1893 in Berlin, now headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, VDE and its Berlin Representative Office have been a direct interface to political decision-makers at national level since 2001.

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VDE in Brussels

EU-Flagge mit weiteren Flaggen im Hintergrund
Sven Hoppe / Fotolia

The representative office in Brussels strengthens VDE’s orientation towards the European Union. This enables our scientific-technical association to contribute directly to European technology and education policy. At the same time, VDE expands its network on the European level.

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