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2023-07-12 press release

Standards for the Digital Product Passport

In the future, the Digital Product Passport will bundle product information and make it transparent and retrievable throughout the entire life cycle. DIN and DKE are establishing a joint committee.

Press Officer

(Berlin/Frankfurt a. M., 12.07.2023) DIN and DKE founded the "Digital Product Passport" joint committee at a constituent meeting yesterday. The aim of the committee of representatives from industry, science, the public sector and civil society is to support the further development of the Digital Product Passport and its ecosystem with standards and to promote European and international interoperability. Norms and standards are essential for the implementation of the Digital Product Passport and for European and international connectivity, and are thus a key factor for the success of the export-oriented German economy and the acceptance of its green products on the global market.

The Digital Product Passport is coming

Transparency of product data is important not only for consumers, but also for all actors within the value chain. In the future, the Digital Product Passport will bundle product information - from raw materials used to recycling options, from declarations of conformity to operating instructions - and make it transparent and accessible throughout the entire life cycle. In addition to product name and producer, characteristics and place of manufacture, it can also include information on environmental and social indicators, such as carbon footprint or compliance with supply chain legislation. Its importance for interaction and the flow of information between market participants cannot be overstated, and it has a massive impact on all economic activity. Thus, the digital product passport makes a decisive contribution to the implementation of the green and digital transformation.

Concretization of the legal framework through standards

Legislators are defining the framework for the product passport. For example, it is already a central component of the new European Battery Regulation and the new draft European Ecodesign Regulation for sustainable products. Norms and standards concretize this legal framework. Standards are developed by representatives from industry, science, the public sector and civil society - they ensure a practical and flexible design and concretization of the legal framework.

European standards in demand

The European Commission has asked the European standards organizations CEN and CENELEC to develop harmonized European standards on the Digital Product Passport system. These standards may be fundamental to the battery passport and other possible upcoming use cases, such as electrical appliances, textiles, furniture, steel, cement and chemicals. To develop these standards, CEN and CENELEC have proposed a "Joint Technical Committee Digital Product Passport". The new joint committee of DIN and DKE will mirror the work on the DPP and the Joint Technical Committee at national level and represent German interests at European level. Over 300 experts from a wide range of industries and disciplines took part in the founding meeting.

Preparatory work for content-related work

As a basis for further standardization work, the experts will already be able to draw on important information, such as the Landscaping Report on the Digital Product Passport or the results of the Cyber Breakfast series on the topic, a series of events and discussions organized by DIN and DKE.

Cooperation is wished for

DIN and DKE call on interested stakeholders from business, politics, science and civil society to get involved in standardization - in order to help shape the markets of the future and jointly implement the digital and green transformation.

About DIN 

DIN, the German Institute for Standardization, is the independent platform for standardization in Germany and worldwide. Together with industry, scientific institutions, public authorities and civil society as a whole, DIN plays a major role in identifying future areas for standardization. By helping to shape the green and digital transformation, DIN makes an important contribution towards solving current challenges and enables new technologies, products and processes to establish themselves on the market and in society. More than 37,500 experts from industry, research, consumer protection and the public sector bring their expertise to work on standardization projects managed by DIN. The results of these efforts are market-oriented standards and specifications that promote global trade, encouraging rationalization, quality assurance and environmental protection as well as improving security and communication. 

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About DKE

The DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (DKE) is the national platform for about 10,000 experts from industry, science and public administration to elaborate standards and safety specifications for electrical engineering, electronics and information technology. Standards support global trade and, among other things, the safety, interoperability and functionality of products and systems. As a competence centre for electrotechnical standardization, the DKE represents the interests of German industry in European (CENELEC, ETSI) and international standardization organizations (IEC). In addition, the DKE provides comprehensive services in the field of standardization and VDE specifications. 

For more information, visit

About DKE 

The DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (DKE) is the national platform for about 10,000 experts from industry, science and public administration to elaborate standards and safety specifications for electrical engineering, electronics and information technology. Standards support global trade and, among other things, the safety, interoperability and functionality of products and systems. As a competence centre for electrotechnical standardization, the DKE represents the interests of German industry in European (CENELEC, ETSI) and international standardization organizations (IEC). In addition, the DKE provides comprehensive services in the field of standardization and VDE specifications.

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