Gewinner 2024
Jonas Kron / VDE
31.01.2025 Stuttgart

Studierendenwettbewerb der DGBMT

Projekt-/Diplomarbeiten gesucht...

Im Rahmen der Dreiländertagung in Muttenz (09.09.-11.09.2025) ruft die DGBMT zur Präsentation von Ergebnissen herausragender Abschlussarbeiten auf.

Die besten Beiträge – eingereicht als Poster oder Vortrag – erhalten Urkunden und Preise.

Dissertationen dürfen zum Einreichzeitpunkt noch nicht abgeschlossen sein. Somit können auch wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen, Promotionsstudierende und PhD-Students teilnehmen, sofern sie diese Bedingungen erfüllen.

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Die Preisträger


1. Platz:
Clara Demgensky - Universität zu Lübeck
Development and Validation of a Patient Model for Simulating Anaesthetic Uptake

2. Platz:
Sara Schwab - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Accuracy of a Learned Feature Descriptor in Laparoscopic Liver Surgery

3. Platz:
Raphael Mönkemöller - Leibniz Universität Hannover
Towards Less Invasive Instruments For Cardiac Tissue Stabilizing

weitere FinalistInnen:
Stolte, Franziska Sophie (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)- Comparison of LGE-MRI and Local Impedance Data Recorded in Human Left Atria    
Barioudi, Hatim  (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts) - Predicting Upper body Muscle Activation Patterns in Paralympic Cross-Country Skiing Using Neural Networks and Accelerometer Data    
Thalmayer, Angelika (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) - Experimental and Simulative Analysis of Magnetic Nanoparticle Accumulation Using Various Halbach Arrays    
Ebers, Kevin (RWTH-Aachen University) - MR-Compatible Pump for the Validation of PC-MRI Flow Measurements    
Akrah, Aya (Technische Hochschule Ulm) - Investigation into the feasibility of a light- guide based prevention of catheter- associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI)   


1. Platz:
Christian Götz (KIT Karlsruhe)
Discrepancy Between LGE-MRI and Electro-Anatomical Mapping for Regional Detection of Pathological Atrial Substrate
2. Platz:
Angelika Thalmayer (FAU Erlangen)
Innovative Hybrid Halbach Array for Steering Magnetic Nanoparticles Through a Bifurcation
3. Platz:
Juliane Mayer (Universität Stuttgart)
Towards non-invasive Wilson's disease progression monitoring based on corneal copper content

weitere Finalisten:
Theresa Bartel: Design and Development of a Bioreactor System for Mechanical Stimulation of Musculoskeletal Tissue
Anna Maria Becker: Multi-Layer Extraction of Clinical Parameters Improves Classification of Craniosynostosis
Nikola André Fitzen: Impact of the Right Atrium on Arrhythmia Vulnerability
Vincent Fleischhauer: Validation of Skin Perfusion Monitoring by Imaging PPG versus Laser Speckle Imaging
Laura Hellwege: Enhancing virtual monoenergetic images for non congruent dual-energy CT data
Patrick Munnich: Speech Intelligibility: Lateral Lisp Detection for Real-Time Monitoring
Diogo Filipe Silva: Fast 4D FEM Model for EIT Source Separation Benchmarking


1. Platz:
Ingo Hoyer (Fraunhofer IMS, Duisburg)
Inference runtime of an optimized NN on customized RISC-V-based hardware
2. Platz:
Jule Bender (KIT Karlsruhe)
A Large-scale Virtual Patient Cohort to Study ECG Features of Interatrial Conduction Block
3. Platz:
Marlin Siebert (Universität zu Lübeck)
Stochastic variational deep kernel learning based diabetic retinopathy severity grading

weitere Finalisten:
Andreas Hess: Analysis of Dielectric Properties of Gelatin-based Tissue Phantoms
Michaela Maintz: Topology-optimized patient-specific osteosynthesis plates - Methodology to semi-automatically design additive-manufactured osteosynthesis plates for the fixation of mandibular fractures
Andra Oltmann: Investigation of an Acceleration Pipeline for Single Fiber Action Potential Simulation
Maximilian Preiss: Haptically enhanced VR surgical training system
David Pysik: Control of a blower-based lung simulator for testing of mechanical ventilators
Sylvia Weymann: Development of an EMG-based Elbow-Exoskeleton with Twisted String Actuation
Jack Wilkie: Initial engagement and axial force model for self-tapping bone screw


1. Platz:
Maximilian Winkelkotte (TU Dresden)
Micro-Physiological-Systems enable investigation of hypoxia induced pathological processes in human aortic valve cells and tissues 
2. Platz:
Hannes Welle (KIT Karlsruhe)
Classification of Bundle Branch Blocks with QRS Templates Extracted from 12-lead ECGs
3. Platz:
Julien Martens (Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg)
Microchip Transfer Process for Implantable Flexible Bioelectronic Devices

weitere Finalisten:
Idoia Badiola Aguirregomezcorta (RWTH Aachen University)
Learning about reflective PPG for SpO2 determination using Machine Learning
Rongqing Chen (Furtwangen University)
Detection of Outdated Structural Priors in the Discrete Cosine Transformation-based Electrical Impedance Tomography Algorithm
Lena Hegel (RWTH Aachen University)
Self-assembling flexible 3D MEAs for cortical implants
Samuel Höing (University of Rostock)
Particle Image Velocimetry for in vitro characterization of Paravalvular
Amani Remmo (TU Berlin)
Physical characterization of biomedical magnetic nanoparticles using multi-detector centrifugal field-flow fractionation
Leonie Schicketanz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Separating atrial near fields and atrial far fields in simulated intra-atrial electrograms
Tianbao Zheng (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
An automated pipeline for generating fiber orientation and region annotation in patient-specific atrial models


1. Platz: 
Xenia Augustin (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Estimating regional pulmonary blood flow in EIT with regularized deconvolution with a Tikhonov regularization
1. Platz:
Stephan Behrens (Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- u. Strahltechnik IWS/TU Dresden)
Modelling and prototyping of a microfluidic cartridge for extracting immune cells from small volume blood samples
2. Platz:
Benedikt Szabo (Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg)
Polyimide-based Thin Film Conductors for High Frequency Data Transmission in Ultra-Conformable Implants
3. Platz:
Jack A Wilkie (Hochschule Furtwangen)
Developments in Modelling Bone Screwing
5. Platz:
Armin Müller (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology-KIT)
Validating a Numerical Simulation of Human Heart Motion Using Clinical Data
6. Platz:
Veronika Huttova (Czech Technical University in Prague/HS Furtwangen)
Sensitivity analysis of a computer model of neonatal oxygen transport
7. Platz:
Tolga-Can Çallar (Universität zu Lübeck)
Efficient Body Registration Using Single-View Range Imaging and Generic Shape Templates
8. Platz:
Jonas Massmann (Technische Universität Berlin)
Continuous signal quality estimation for robust heart rate extraction from photoplethysmographic signals
9. Platz:
Dennis Rehling (University of Stuttgart)
Investigation of vibration parameters for needle insertion force reduction
10. Platz:
Dennis Schmidt (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen THM)
Deep learning-based recognition of cell structures in fluorescence microscopy sequences with respect to their morphology


1. Platz
Claudia Nagel; (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Biomedical Engineering - Dössel)
Performance of Different Atrial Conduction Velocity Estimation Algorithms Improves with Knowledge about the Depolarization Pattern
2. Platz
Diana Zahn; (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Informatics - Dutz)
Biodegradable magnetic microspheres for drug targeting, temperature controlled drug release, and hyperthermia
3. Platz
Jacob Fast; (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute of Mechatronic Systems - Ortmeier)
An actuated larynx phantom for pre-clinical evaluation of droplet-based reflex-stimulating laryngoscopes
4. Platz
Frederic Weichel; (Universität Heidelberg, Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics - Dickhaus)
Generation of a Simplified Brain Geometry for the Calculation of Local Cerebral Temperature using a 1D Hemodynamics Model
5. Platz
Rosa Daschner; (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Biomedical Engineering - Dössel)
Generation of a Simplified Brain Geometry for the Calculation of Local Cerebral Temperature using a 1D Hemodynamics Model
6. Platz
Miriam Exner; (University Medical Center Eppendorf, Hamburg, Section for Biomedical Imaging - Knopp)
3D Printed Anatomical Model of a Rat for Medical Imaging
7. Platz
Florian Bautsch; (Universität zu Lübeck - Rostalski)
Development of a Novel Low-cost Lung Function Simulator
8. Platz
Julia Heinz (Universität Stuttgart, Institute of Medical Device Technology - Pott)
Low-turbulence displacement-flow for an operating environment
9. Platz
Bala Amala Kannan; (Furtwangen University, Institute of Technical Medicine - Disselhorst-Klug)
Parameter sensitivity analysis on a mathematical model of reepithelialization
10. Platz
Mira Dreier; (Technische Universität  Graz - Schröttner)
Evaluation of Adjustable Loop Suspensory Anterior Cruciate Ligament Fixation Devices


1. Platz
David Schote; (Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg - Rose) Enhancement of Region of Interest CT Reconstructions through Multimodal Data
2. Platz
Michael Klum; (TU Berlin - Orglmeister) Short Distance Impedance Pneumography
3. Platz
Lukas Theisgen; (RWTH  Aachen - Radermacher) Modular design of versatile surgical mini-robots
4. Platz
Juliane Müller; (TU Dresden - Faculty of Medicine Carl-Gustav-Carius - Koch) Application of thermography for cerebral perfusion imaging during aneurysm surgery
5. Platz
Linda Grefen; (Ludwig-Maxilmilian Universität München - Thierfelder) Processing pericardial tissue for
cardiovascular surgery
6. Platz
Finja Borowski; (Universität Rostock - Grabow) Fluid-structure interaction of heart valve dynamics in comparison to finite-element analysis
7. Platz
Armin Müller; (Karlsruher Institute of Technology - Dössel) Effects of local activation times on the tension development of human cardiomyocytes in a computational model
8. Platz
Tamara Wirth (Karlsruher Institute of Technology - Nahm) Combination of Color and Focus Segmentation for Medical Images with Low Depth-of-Field
9. Platz
Sebastian Becker; (Institute of Applied Medical Engineering, RWTH Aachen - Disselhorst-Klug) Controlling of a ROS-based robotic system in accordance to the assist-as-needed principle in end-effector based rehabilitation systems
10. Platz
Oskar Pfau; (University of Lübeck - Rostalski) Low-cost physiological simulation system for endovascular treatment of aneurysms


1. Platz
Areg Noshadi (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Biomedical Engineering)Automatic lung segmentation in the presence of alveolar collapse
2. Platz
Andreas Benjamin Schmidt (Freiburg/Heidelberg)
Hyperpolarization without a polarizer: first 13C-MRI in vivo
2. Platz
Michael Stritt  (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Biomedical Engineering)
Assessment of local high-density mapping for the analysis of radiofrequency ablation lesions in the left atrium

4. Platz
Hala El-Shaffey (FH Lübeck, Medizinische Sensor- und Geraetetechnik)
Development of a novel pediatric forearm fracture treatment: simulation, prototype and evaluation

5. Platz
Dennis Müller (Institut für Biomedizinische Technik; BMT, FB Life Science Engineering; LSE; Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM)
Comparing human and algorithmic tracking of subviral particles in fluorescence microscopic image sequences

6. Platz
Christoph Busch (Hochschule Furtwangen University (HFU) Institut für Techn. Medizin (ITeM)
Realization of a multi-layer EIT-system

7. Platz
Christian Marzi (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Biomedical Engineering)
Design of an experimental four-camera setup for enhanced 3D surface reconstruction in microsurgery

8. Platz
Andreas Rausch (Institut für Biomedizinische Technik; BMT, FB Life Science Engineering; LSE; Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM)Improving subviral particle tracks in fluoroscopic image sequences by global motion compensation
9. Platz
Silvia Liprandi (Ludwig Maximilian Universität München)
Sub-3mm spatial resolution from a large monolithic LaBr3 (Ce) scintillator

10. Platz
Ronja Dreger (Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Rostock University Medical Center, Rostock)
Online particle measurements during the simulated use of drug coated balloons


1. Platz
Robin Andlauer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Biomedical Engineering)
Effect of left atrial hypertrophy on P-wave morphology in a computational model

2. Platz
Joachim Greiner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Biomedical Engineering)
Simulation of intracardiac electrograms around acute ablation lesions

3. Platz
Michael Langenmair (Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Dept. of Neurosurgery)
Development of a desiccant based dielectric for monitoring humidity conditions in miniaturized hermetic implantable packages

4. Platz
Philipp Kainz (Medical University of Graz, kMLvision OG Institute of Biophysics)
Learning discriminative classification models for grading anal intraepithelial neoplasia

5. Platz
Andreas Rausch (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
Improvement of a subviral particle tracker by the use of a LAP-Kalman-algorithm


1. Preis:
Johanna Degen (Universität Lübeck)
Dimensionality reduction of medical Image descriptors for multimodal Image Registration

2. Preis:
Eike M. Wülfers (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Institut für Biomedizinische Technik)
Accelerating mono-domain cardiac electrophysiology simulations using OpenCL

3. Preis:
Inga Sauer (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
Spike Sorting: The overlapping spikes challenge


1. Preis:
Yannick Lutz (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Institut für Biomedizinische Technik)
Specific antiarrhythmic therapy for familial atrial fibrillation in a numerical model of human atrial electrophysiology

2. Preis:
Herr Frank Rehberger (IMTEK Freiburg)
Lichtwellenleiter aus PDMS für biomedizinische Anwendungen

3. Preis:
Jan Stelzner (Universität Lübeck)
Design and Construction of a Toroidal Filter Coil for an MPI Device

Tobias Oesterlein (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Institut für Biomedizinische Technik)
Periodic component analysis to eliminate ventricular far field artifacts in unipolar atrial electrograms of patients suffering from atrial flutter


Simon M. Danner (Medical University of Vienna and Vienna University of Technology)
Pattern generating networks in the human lumber spinal cord: Electrophysiology and computer modeling

Axel Loewe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Impact of hERG mutations on simulated human atrial action potentials

Matthias Weber (University of Luebeck)
Scanner construction for a dynamic field free line in magnetic particle imaging


1. Preis:
Yulia Levakhina (Universität zu Lübeck, DE)
A Novel Acquisition Scheme for Higher Axial Resolution and Improved Image Quality in Digital Tomosynthesis

2. Preis:
Alina Toma (Universität zu Lübeck, DE)
A Mathematical Model to Simulate Glioma Growth and Radiotherapy at the Microscopic Level

3. Preis:
Andreas Dorn (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), DE)
Modelling of Heterogeneous Human Atrial Electrophysiology


1. Preis:
Marlitt Erbe (Universität zu Lübeck, DE)
An optimized field free line scanning device for magnetic particle imaging

2. Preis:
Anna Heye (Universität zu Lübeck, DE)
Ein kontinuierlicher Ansatz zur Modellierung von Tumorwachstum und Strahlentherapie

3. Preis:
Anne Knopf (University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main, DE)
Utilization of Raman spectroscopy for the non-invasive identification of stem cell fate