Ökologischer Batterietechnologien und grüner Energiespeicher
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EU Battery Regulation - (EU) 2023/1542

The EU Battery Regulation is a comprehensive legislative framework established to manage the entire lifecycle of batteries within the European Union, aiming to address environmental and economic challenges posed by battery production, use, and disposal.

The regulation seeks to ensure sustainability, safety, and circularity in the battery market, promoting green technologies and reducing the carbon footprint. Key elements of the regulation include:

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Sustainable Production and Supply Chain:

Carbon Footprint: Mandatory carbon footprint declarations for batteries.

Responsible Sourcing: Requirements for due diligence in sourcing raw materials to avoid human rights abuses and environmental harm.

Recycled Content: Targets for minimum levels of recycled content in batteries to promote the circular economy.

Performance, Durability, and Safety:

Labelling and Information: Standardized labeling requirements to inform consumers about the battery's performance, durability, and environmental impact.

Safety Standards: Stricter safety regulations to ensure batteries are safe for users and reduce risks such as fires and leaks.

End-of-Life Management:

Collection and Recycling: Obligations for the collection and recycling of batteries, with higher targets for collection rates and recycling efficiencies.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Producers are responsible for the entire lifecycle of their batteries, including take-back schemes and proper waste management.


Clear regulatory frameworks create a level playing field for all market participants, ensuring fair competition and preventing market monopolies.

Digital Battery Passport:

A digital documentation that contains key information about each battery, including its origin, composition, and recycling information, enhancing transparency and traceability throughout the battery’s lifecycle.

Circular Economy:

Encouraging the design of batteries that are easier to disassemble, repurpose, and recycle, thus promoting the circular economy principles.

The EU Battery Regulation aims to make Europe a global leader in sustainable battery production and use, aligning with broader EU Green Deal goals of climate neutrality by 2050 and reducing the environmental impact of industrial activities.

VDE Renewables offers online seminars and tailor made training on the EU Battery Regulation. Contact our battery projects team for more information and dates of the seminars. 

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