Online Seminar
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VDE Online-Seminare

Mit unseren kostenlosen Online-Seminaren möchten wir Sie über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Prüfung und Zertifizierung von elektrischen Geräten und Systemen informieren. Unsere Expertinnen und Experten berichten über neueste Trends ebenso wie über die Dauerbrenner in der Zertifizierungswelt. Dabei greifen sie zurück auf einen Erfahrungsschatz aus 100 Jahren Prüfung und Zertifizierung.

Laura Walter
Weitere VDE Online-Angebote
English Online Seminars:



VDE-Prüfzeichen 3D

Das VDE Zeichen – Mehrwerte und Risikomanagement für Hersteller und Inverkehrbringer

Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2024, 18:00 - 19:00 Uhr | Ralf Berger

VDE-Prüfzeichen 3D

Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2024, 18:00 - 19:00 Uhr | Ralf Berger

Hersteller und generell Inverkehrbringer haben vielfältige Sorgfaltspflichten im Bereich der Entwicklung und Herstellung von elektrischen und elektronischen Produkten.
Die Verletzung dieser Sorgfaltspflichten können im Schadensfall zu Haftungsrisiken führen.
Wir, das VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut, möchten Ihnen mit unserem VDE Zeichen und den dazugehörigen unterstützenden Verfahren dabei helfen, Ihre Risiken im Gesamtprozess von Entwicklung, Fertigung und Vertrieb zu minimieren.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme an unserem kostenlosen Online-Seminar. 

Dimmer Leuchten

Produktsicherheit kommunizierender intelligenter und elektronischer Schalter für die Festinstallation

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2024, 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr | Jürgen Dutine

Dimmer Leuchten

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2024, 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr | Jürgen Dutine

Dieses Online Seminar befasst sich mit Prüf- und Zertifizierungsmöglichkeiten für kommunizierende, intelligente und elektronische Schalter zur Festinstallation.
Prüfungen zur elektrischen Sicherheit, EMV, Umweltaspekten und die Anwendung von internationalen Standards tragen ihren Teil zur einer sichere Verwendung von Produkten durch den Endbenutzer bei. Elektronische Schalter enthalten im Gegensatz zu mechanischen Schaltern viele verschiedene spezielle Test- und Bewertungspunkte. Dafür sind u.a. die unterschiedlichen Komponenten verantwortlich, die in den Schaltern verbaut sind. 
Über die Anforderungen und weitere Möglichkeiten zur Überprüfungen von elektronischen Schalten, möchten wir Sie gerne in unserem Online-Seminar auf den aktuellen Stand bringen. 

Wir freuen uns über Ihre Teilnahme an unserem kostenlosen Online-Seminar.

Mikrochipverbindungen, elektrische Impulse und binäre Codes

ENGLISCH: Product Compliance - a 360-Degree overview - Don't be afraid of the AI Act

Fri, Dec 6, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET | Dr. Sebastian Hallensleben, VDE / Dr. Markus Kaulartz, Dr. Ulrich Becker and Sinje Maier, CMS Germany

Mikrochipverbindungen, elektrische Impulse und binäre Codes

Fri, Dec 6, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET | Dr. Sebastian Hallensleben, VDE / Dr. Markus Kaulartz, Dr. Ulrich Becker and Sinje Maier, CMS Germany

The AI Act will essentially come into force in April 2026 and must be implemented for the applications covered by it by then. This causes many companies to fear that they will face a repeat of the often chaotic situation experienced in 2018 with the GDPR. In this webinar, we will highlight a very important difference: In contrast to the GDPR, the AI Act will have so-called "harmonized standards" that describe a non-binding but legally secure way to comply with the AI Act. We explain the mechanism and give tips on what companies can prepare for today.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.

Mikrochipverbindungen, elektrische Impulse und binäre Codes

Aufgezeichnete Wiederholung von ENGLISCH: Product Compliance - a 360-Degree overview - Don't be afraid of the AI Act

Fri, Dec 6, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET | Dr. Sebastian Hallensleben, VDE / Dr. Markus Kaulartz, Dr. Ulrich Becker and Sinje Maier, CMS Germany

Mikrochipverbindungen, elektrische Impulse und binäre Codes

Fri, Dec 6, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET | Dr. Sebastian Hallensleben, VDE / Dr. Markus Kaulartz, Dr. Ulrich Becker and Sinje Maier, CMS Germany

The AI Act will essentially come into force in April 2026 and must be implemented for the applications covered by it by then. This causes many companies to fear that they will face a repeat of the often chaotic situation experienced in 2018 with the GDPR. In this webinar, we will highlight a very important difference: In contrast to the GDPR, the AI Act will have so-called "harmonized standards" that describe a non-binding but legally secure way to comply with the AI Act. We explain the mechanism and give tips on what companies can prepare for today.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.



Customs at airport

ENGLISCH: Product Compliance - a 360-Degree overview - Customs law in the context of product compliance

Thu, Jan 16, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET| Claudia Sicken, Sinje Maier and Dr. Ulrich Becker, CMS Germany

Customs at airport

Thu, Jan 16, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET| Claudia Sicken, Sinje Maier and Dr. Ulrich Becker, CMS Germany

  • Everyone knows about customs at airports. Controlling international travel is only a small part of the extremely diverse range of customs tasks. Find out more about the diverse range of tasks and the involvement of customs in the area of product safety.
  • 8467 2210 000 - The customs code number for... ? Chainsaws! How do you actually determine the "correct" customs tariff number? What is the significance of the HS code worldwide?
  • Fake VDE and CE markings - How does customs detect counterfeits?

In our online seminar, we will examine these practical customs questions in the context of product safety.

Our speakers are Claudia Sicken, lawyer at CMS Germany and former customs officer, and Dr. Ulrich Becker, lawyer at CMS Germany.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.

Customs at airport

Aufgezeichnete Wiederholung von ENGLISCH: Product Compliance - a 360-Degree overview - Customs law in the context of product compliance

Thu, Jan 16, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET| Claudia Sicken, Sinje Maier and Dr. Ulrich Becker, CMS Germany

Customs at airport

Thu, Jan 16, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET| Claudia Sicken, Sinje Maier and Dr. Ulrich Becker, CMS Germany

  • Everyone knows about customs at airports. Controlling international travel is only a small part of the extremely diverse range of customs tasks. Find out more about the diverse range of tasks and the involvement of customs in the area of product safety.
  • 8467 2210 000 - The customs code number for... ? Chainsaws! How do you actually determine the "correct" customs tariff number? What is the significance of the HS code worldwide?
  • Fake VDE and CE markings - How does customs detect counterfeits?

In our online seminar, we will examine these practical customs questions in the context of product safety.

Our speakers are Claudia Sicken, lawyer at CMS Germany and former customs officer, and Dr. Ulrich Becker, lawyer at CMS Germany.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.

Frau digitaler Arbeitsplatz

ENGLISCH: Product Compliance - a 360-Degree overview - The market surveillance authority: Insight into the world of supervision

Wed, Jan 22, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET | Sebastian Jockusch, fox compliance GmbH and Dr. Ulrich Becker, CMS Germany

Frau digitaler Arbeitsplatz

Wed, Jan 22, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET | Sebastian Jockusch, fox compliance GmbH and Dr. Ulrich Becker, CMS Germany

A number of different requirements are placed on the placing of electronic and electrical items on the market. The legal minimum requirements are diverse and spread across various horizontal and vertical legal acts.

Not only the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, the Directive 2014/30/EU on electromagnetic compatibility or the Directive 2014/53/EU for radio equipment must be observed. The chemical requirements of the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, the REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 and the POP Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 must also be observed. Last but not least, economic operators must also keep the Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in mind before placing the item on the market.

A new addition is Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 on batteries and waste batteries, which introduces many new requirements and challenges for companies over a timeline.

Our seminar provides an overview of the diverse (new) requirements and new challenges in the context of electrical items and provides practical advice.

Your speakers are Sebastian Jockusch, Managing Director of fox compliance GmbH and Dr. Ulrich Becker, lawyer at CMS Germany.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.

Frau digitaler Arbeitsplatz

Aufgezeichnete Wiederholung von ENGLISCH: Product Compliance - a 360-Degree overview - The market surveillance authority: Insight into the world of supervision

Wed, Jan 22, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET | S. Jockusch, fox compliance GmbH and Dr. U. Becker, CMS Germany

Frau digitaler Arbeitsplatz

Wed, Jan 22, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET | S. Jockusch, fox compliance GmbH and Dr. U. Becker, CMS Germany

A number of different requirements are placed on the placing of electronic and electrical items on the market. The legal minimum requirements are diverse and spread across various horizontal and vertical legal acts.

Not only the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, the Directive 2014/30/EU on electromagnetic compatibility or the Directive 2014/53/EU for radio equipment must be observed. The chemical requirements of the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, the REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 and the POP Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 must also be observed. Last but not least, economic operators must also keep the Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in mind before placing the item on the market.

A new addition is Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 on batteries and waste batteries, which introduces many new requirements and challenges for companies over a timeline.

Our seminar provides an overview of the diverse (new) requirements and new challenges in the context of electrical items and provides practical advice.

Your speakers are Sebastian Jockusch, Managing Director of fox compliance GmbH and Dr. Ulrich Becker, lawyer at CMS Germany.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.


Aktuelles vom VDE Institut