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28.08.2024 - 30.08.2024 Bad Honnef Workshop

9th VDE ITG International Vacuum Electronics Workshop (IVEW) 2024

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Beginn: 28.08.2024
Ende: 30.08.2024

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (PBH)
Hauptstraße 5
53604 Bad Honnef


Topics of the Conference:
New developments and applications of vacuum electronic devices as well as materials, technologies and manufacturing techniques such as:

  • Vacuum Electronic and Discharge Devices and their Applications
  • Technologies and Production Processes in Vacuum Electronics



ITG Informationstechnische Gesells. im VDE


Co-organized by VDE ITG Fachausschuss MN 6 „Vacuum Electronics and Displays“


Important dates:


  • Deadline for Submission of Abstracts May 6, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance June 10, 2024
  • Deadline for Registration and Payment July 19, 2024
  • Submission of Presentations in .pdf format for the Electronic Proceedings August 29, 2024

Files (abstracts and presentations) shall be sent electronically. See abstract template (sample paper abstract) on Web Site. The latest information on the conference and the final program can be found at the Web Site http://www.ihm.kit.edu/VDE-ITG_FA_MN6.php

Submitted papers should include but are not limited to the following areas of interest:

Vacuum Electronic and Discharge Devices and their Applications

  • Microwave Tubes
  • Grid Controlled Tubes
  • Vacuum Microelectronic and Nanoelectronic Devices
  • Picture Tubes and Image Intensifiers
  • X-Ray Tubes
  • Vacuum Interrupters and Spark Gaps
  • Pseudospark Devices
  • Vacuum Arc Ion Sources
  • High Current Diodes
  • Pulsed Power Switching
  • Gas Lasers and Gas Discharge Tubes
  • Electric Space Propulsion

Technologies and Production Processes in Vacuum Electronics

  • Laser-, Electron-Beam-, Ion-Beam- and Plasma Processing Systems
  • Surface Treatment, Evacuation and Getters
  • Interconnection and Assembly Techniques
  • Vacuum-Microelectronics and Vacuum-Nanoelectronics Technologies
  • Electron Sources and Electron Emission

The paper should be suitable for 20 minutes of oral presentation. Poster presentations are welcome. The conference language is English.

One-page abstracts should be submitted as .pdf-file electronically to the Conference Chairmen not later than May 6, 2024. Please indicate if you prefer a poster presentation.

Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Knapp
Sprecher VDE ITG Fachausschuss
39291 Möser

u8.By5.14r66Q_-542z4v.uv Tel. +49 (0)39222-4067

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