WueWoWAS 2023
Beginn: | 28.06.2023 |
Ende: | 30.06.2023 |
WueWoWAS’23 is a three-day workshop on next-generation communication networks. The goal of the workshop is to provide attendees with an opportunity to foster both their understanding of the current state of the art and to learn from experienced researchers in the field.
The KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks (WüWoWAS’23) focuses on preliminary and ongoing research (or previously published hot topic papers) on next-generation communication networks.
General topics include but are not limited to:
- Next-generation network architectures and services: 5G, 6G, IoT, Industrial networks
- Concepts for future networks: softwarization, edge computing, AI and ML, automation.
- Evaluation of performance, reliability and resilience: measurements, modeling, simulation, analysis on QoS, QoE, energy efficiency, etc.
The workshop will take place in-person in Würzburg, Germany from 28.06.2023 until 30.06.2023. We encourage PhD students, early career scientists as well as senior researchers to contribute early state and ongoing research or previously published hot topic papers in the form of extended abstracts no longer than 3 pages excluding references.
The goal of the workshop is to foster communication among researchers from industry and academia. To this end, invited experience talks and discussion slots on important topics in NGN are an integral part of the program.
ITG Informationstechnische Gesells. im VDE
GI/ITG KuVS: Communication and Distributed Systems
ITG FA KT 2: Communication Networks and Systems
GI/ITG MMB: Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems
Important dates:
- Abstract registration and submission: 05.05.2023
- Notification of acceptance: 19.05.2023
- Registration Deadline: Authors: t.b.d.; Non-authors: t.b.d.
- In-Person Event: 28.06.2023 - 30.06.2023