
EUREL Young Engineers Panel

Das EUREL Young Engineers Panel (YEP) fördert die technisch-wissenschaftliche sowie gesellschaftspolitische Diskussion unter den Mitgliedern, Studierenden, Young Professionals  und der Öffentlichkeit auf europäischer Ebene. 

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EUREL Young Engineers Panel: Junges Netzwerk für Elektrotechnik in Europa

Das EUREL Young Engineers Panel (YEP) bietet jungen Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren eine Plattform, um sich über nationale Grenzen hinweg auszutauschen, internationale Netzwerke zu knüpfen und wertvolle Erfahrungen in der Elektro- und Informationstechnik auf europäischer Ebene zu sammeln. Das YEP verantwortet folgende jährliche Aktivitäten:

  • European Future Technology Summit: Ein Gipfel zu Innovationen und Trends in der Elektro- und Informationstechnik in der Europahauptstadt Brüssel.
  • EUREL Field Trip: Mehrtägige Exkursion zu führenden Technologieeinrichtungen in EUREL Mitgliedsländer.
  • EUREL TOPSIM International Management Cup (IMC): Ein Planspiel für europäische Jungingenieurinnen und -ingenieure zum Erwerb praxisnaher Managementkompetenz.

Der VDE ist Mitglied bei EUREL, dem Dachverband europäischer Elektrotechnikverbände, und unterstützt die Initiative als nationaler Partner. Jedes Jahr können drei junge VDE Mitglieder nominiert werden, die als Teil des Young Engineers Panel aktiv den Ausbau des europäischen Netzwerks und dessen Veranstaltungen mitgestalten. Wenn du Interesse hast, den VDE im YEP zu vertreten und dich für die YEP Aktivitäten zu engagieren, melde dich unter

VDE Vertreter*innen im Young Engineers Panel 2024:

Batuhan Ayaz, YEP-Representative

Bachelor of Engineering in Automation Technology from Hochschule Kaiserslautern
Master of Business Administration from FOM Mannheim
Since 2014 working for BASF SE
Currently as Lead Engineer for communication technology and electrical building technology
Employer: BASF Schwarzheide GmbH

Bachelor of Engineering in Automation Technology from Hochschule Kaiserslautern
Master of Business Administration from FOM Mannheim
Since 2014 working for BASF SE
Currently as Lead Engineer for communication technology and electrical building technology
Employer: BASF Schwarzheide GmbH

My motivation: Intercultural collaborations in times like these are more important than ever. It is therefore important to promote the exchange between experts, young professionals and students at both -  European and international level. Through diversity, I would like to enable a holistic technological discourse and the promotion of the interplay of innovative and proven technologies and their interaction with regard to security and resilience.

Batu im Interview über seine Rolle als YEP-Representative im VDE Dialog

Annette Frederiksen, Vice-Representative

Diploma in Mechatronics from Technical University Dresden, Germany
PhD in Optics from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Since 2008 working for Robert Bosch GmbH,
currently as Engineer and Standardization Expert at Bosch eBike Systems
Head of Next Generation DKE

Diploma in Mechatronics from Technical University Dresden, Germany
PhD in Optics from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Since 2008 working for Robert Bosch GmbH,
currently as Engineer and Standardization Expert at Bosch eBike Systems
Head of Next Generation DKE

My motivation: In 2023, I took part in the EUREL Field Trip to Romania and the EUREL Young Engineers Seminar as part of the European Future Technology Summit in Brussels. These two events were very valuable for me, and I have fond memories of them. In addition to the technical input and the excursions, the interesting exchange with other young engineers from different countries was particularly valuable. I would like to motivate more national electrotechnical societies to join EUREL, raise awareness about the EUREL events and encourage more young engineers across Europe to participate. That way, the network grows and everyone benefits. Through my other voluntary role as head of Next Generation DKE, I would also like to promote the connection between engineering and standardization.

Mohamed Fachrou

Mohamed Fachrou, Vice-Representative

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf 

Master studies in Automotive Management at the University of Duisburg-Essen (expected 2024) 

Currently working as platform manager for auxiliary power supplies in metro trains 

Employer: Siemens Mobility GmbH 

Mohamed Fachrou

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf 

Master studies in Automotive Management at the University of Duisburg-Essen (expected 2024) 

Currently working as platform manager for auxiliary power supplies in metro trains 

Employer: Siemens Mobility GmbH 

My motivation: For over seven years, I have been involved with VDE, having had the privilege of participating in exciting events. During this time, I not only had the opportunity to connect with an impressive nationwide network but also gained an incredible amount of knowledge. Due to these experiences, it is an honor for me to take on responsibilities within VDE, particularly in implementing our visions at the European level through EUREL. 


EUREL ist die Convention of National Associations of Electrical, Electronic and Information Technology Engineers of Europe, gegründet 1972 in Zurich. Ziel von EUREL ist die Vernetzung von Studierenden und Young Professionals der Elektrotechnik und verwandten Wissenschaften auf europäischer Ebene. Das Young Engineers Panel (YEP) organisiert jedes Jahr Veranstaltungen für Studierende und Young Professionals der Elektro- und Informationstechnik in Europa. 

Mitgliedsorganisationen von EUREL sind:

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OVE - Austrian Electrotechnical Association

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OVE - Austrian Electrotechnical Association

Who are we?

OVE Austrian Electrotechnical Association unites enterprises and institutions as well as experts and interested parties from the entire field of electrical engineering. The Association promotes the reputation of the entire line of business, the development of the profession as well as the progress of technology and science and deals with current challenges of electrical engineering and information technology. OVE was founded in 1883 and is based in Vienna.
The association is organised by different societies which give a platform to all branches of electrical engineering and stimulate the dialogue between science, economy and the interested public.
OEK, the Austrian Electrotechnical Committee, is part of OVE, and represents Austrian economy and guarantees the compliance with national as well as international standards and guidelines in an objective and independent manner.

Our goals and objectives

  • Support the development of electrical engineering,
  • Deal with the safety of electrotechnical applications,
  • Establish and enhance contact between universities and economy,
  • Offer an information platform for professionals and individuals interested in technology.
Austrian Electrotechnical Association (OVE)
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VDE e.V.


VDE - Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies

VDE e.V.

VDE - Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies

Who are we?

VDE is the largest technology organization in the European Union and has been regarded as a synonym for innovation and technological progress for more than 130 years. VDE is the only organization in the world that combines science, standardization, testing, certification, and application consulting under one umbrella. The VDE mark has been synonymous with the highest safety standards and consumer protection for 100 years. Our passion is the advancement of technology, the next generation of engineers and technologists, and lifelong learning and career development “on the job”. Within the VDE network 2,000 employees at over 60 locations worldwide, more than 100,000 honorary experts, and 1,500 companies are dedicated to ensuring a future worth living. The headquarters of the VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies) is in Frankfurt am Main.

Our goals and objectives

  • Contribute to the development of electrotechnology, electronics, information technology and technologies that are based on these,
  • Support the use of electrotechnology and electronics in mechanical engineering, in manufacturing and process automation, transport and medical technology,
  • Promote the national and international transfer of technical knowledge,
  • Be a partner for further education and career development through a broad programme of conferences, technical symposia and seminars,
  • Promote scientific knowledge and training.
VDE Association for Eletrical, Electronic & Information Technologies
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MEE - Hungarian Electrotechnical Association

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MEE - Hungarian Electrotechnical Association

Who are we?

MEE - The Hungarian Electrotechnical Association, founded in 1900 by Károly Zipernowsky, quickly became the nation's largest professional organization for electrical engineering. It has played a key role in the development of Hungarian electrotechnics and the electrical industry. Today, the association has nearly 5,000 members, including university professors, industry leaders, and electricians, and is organized into 51 regional and company groups, along with 20 independent professional organizations across the country.

Our goals and objectives

  • to build a professional community in the industry, regardless of company colours

  • to inform a wide section of society about current issues in the industry in a politically neutral way

  • latest professional papers and position papers are now not only published in journals, but also in online presentations

  • in online programmes, societies, sections, working committees and regional organisations present a topical and interesting professional theme

  • Events include the industry's largest annual event, the Annual Meeting Conference and Exhibition, which has been running for over 70 years with unbroken success as the industry's largest professional event, with over 1200 participants each years

  • commitment to the industry is demonstrated by national series of events for the youngest visitors, where they show over 15,000 primary school children, who are about to embark on their career choices, the beauty of a career in engineering in a hands-on way, with MEE's exhibiting partners.

Through its extensive organisational structure, our association undertakes the organisation of training courses and tailor-made professional training courses and the development of teaching materials in any part of the country, within the scope of the Adult Education Act. We have many years of experience in the development of e-learning materials.

Hungarian Electrotechnical Association (MEE)
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SEEEI - Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel

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SEEEI - Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel

Who are we?

SEEEI - The Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel 2002 (R.A.) is one of the prominent professional societies in Israel and constitutes the professional and administrative organisation that represents the community of engineers and graduates involved with electrical and electronics engineering, process control, energy and telecommunications.
SEEEI was founded in 2002 and has over 2500 members. It is a voluntary, professional, autonomous, non-profit, non-governmental, non-political organisation.
The society cooperates with international professional organisations and conducts a great number of activities associated with the profession, its tradition and its values.

Our goals and objectives

  • Preserve and enhance the level and competence of the profession,
  • Represent the profession before the legislative, government and municipal authorities,
  • Help develop the national economy and infrastructure,
  • Promote the profession of electrical and electronics engineers,
  • Elevate the image of the profession in the eyes of the public.
Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel 2002 (SEEEI)
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SEP - Association of Polish Electrical Engineers

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SEP - Association of Polish Electrical Engineers

Who are we?

The Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP) was founded in 1919. It has long tradition and over 23,000 members. It is a voluntary organisation of scientific-technical character, for electrical engineers and technicians representing all specialties and people whose professional activity is connected to electrical engineering. It is organised within 50 regional branches in large Polish cities. The association’s headquarters is located in Warsaw.
SEP consists of over ten Scientific and Technical Committees gathering scientists and professionals from each electrical field.

Our goals and objectives

  • Cooperate with international engineers’ organisations to connect and network, aiming to inspire Polish scientific activities according to global developments in the scientific electricity domain,
  • Organise international, local and regional conferences, symposia and meetings,
  • Be part in the establishment of standards and technical regulations,
  • Grant recommendation along with the right to use the sign of SEP recommendation to companies making products or delivering services at an appropriate quality level,
  • Carry out quality tests,
  • Support the content of educational programs in the field of electrical engineering, fund scientific scholarships and connect students and young professionals to professional life,
  • Take care of upgrading the qualifications, technical culture and professional ethics in the electrical domain.
Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP)
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OE - Logo


OE - Ordem Dos Engenheiros

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OE - Ordem Dos Engenheiros

Who are we?

Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE) was created in 1936. Its headquarter is in Portugal‘s capital Lisbon. OE is divided into 12 specialized engineering colleges (among others e.g. Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanics). OE is the only institution in Portugal that can attribute the professional title of Engineer.
To exercise the engineering profession in Portugal, it is necessary to be a member of Ordem dos Engenheiros.

Our goals and objectives

  • Contribute to the advancement of Portuguese Engineering,
  • Stimulate the efforts of its members in scientific, professional and social fields,
  • Ensure the compliance with rules of ethics and professional code,
  • Regulate the profession (including Professional Qualification System).
Ordem Dos Engenheiros
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SIER - Society of Power Engineers in Romania

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SIER - Society of Power Engineers in Romania

Who are we?

SIER, Society of Power Engineers in Romania, was founded in 1990. It is a professional, autonomous, non-governmental, non-political and non-profit association with headquarters in Bucharest.
SIER is recognized as partner both by the main companies which assure the generation, transmission and distribution of the electricity in Romania and by ANRE (Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority).
SIER has established and maintains permanent links with similar associations and bodies on national and international level.

Our goals and objectives

  • Support the development of technical and scientific research,
  • Provide studies and analyses, technical assistance, training courses, expertise, norms and standards elaboration,
  • Enhance an international network and facilitate exchange of information in the power domain,
  • Organise conferences, symposia, seminars, exhibitions, round tables.
SIER Society of Power Engineers in Romania
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AIEE - Association of Energy and Electrical Engineers

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AIEE - Association of Energy and Electrical Engineers

Who are we?

The Association of Energy and Electrical Engineers (AIEE) is a professional, non-governmental, non-profit, apolitical, independent organization legally established in 2022. It is an open association of individual members. The purpose of AIEE is to contribute to increasing the role of engineers in the energy and electrical field, to develop and modernize the energy system, as pillar for economic development. AIEE promotes the principles of sustainable development of the energy system and ensures the adequate institutional, material, and social framework for the expression of its members.

Our goals and objectives

  • To promote the energy field as a pillar for the development and increase of the competitiveness of the economy.
  • To increase the prestige and promote ethics among the energy engineers or electrician profession by organizing professional events: conferences, symposia, forums, round tables, seminars, debates, exhibitions, technical study visits.
  • Provide professional training activities and courses for specialists in the energy and electrical field.
  • Collaborate with similar organizations and associations in the country and abroad.
  • Collaborate with university centers and educational institutions in the energy and electrical field.

Association of Energy and Electrical Engineers (AIEE)
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EZS - Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia


EZS - Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia

Who are we?

Elektrotehniška zveza Slovenije – EZS (The Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia) is a non-political and non-profit association. It consists of 18 regional and specialized professional societies. It operates independently and deals with the current professional and organisational issues in the area of electrical engineering. EZS was founded in 1952 and is based in Ljubljana.
For several decades, EZS has been playing an important role in bringing together and educating electrical engineers, promoting and directing research and development, working closely with companies, and promoting this branch of the profession.

Our goals and objectives

  • Support the development of electrical engineering and establish contacts between universities and industry,
  • Innovation and knowledge support in Power Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics, Automation Control, Measurement and Technology areas,
  • Standardization, translation of electrotechnical standards, technical regulations and code of praxis (collaboration with SIST - Slovenian Institute for Standardization),
  • Professional events and networking (workshops, conferences),
  • Professional and practical training, promotion of technical knowledge,
  • Inspection and certification scheme of electrical installations, electrotechnical safety activities (collaboration with the Section of electrical engineers in the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers).
Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia
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IE - General Council of Official Chambers of Industrial Engineers

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IE - General Council of Official Chambers of Industrial Engineers

Who are we?

The General Council of Official Chambers of Industrial Engineers is the corporation that brings together more than 43,000 registered professionals from all over Spain and represents aprox. 100,000 industrial engineers. It also represents the 21 Official Chambers that coexist in Spanish territory.

Both the Chambers and the General Council are considered a public law corporation and, in addition, have their own legal personality. This legal characteristic allows them to fully develop their powers to achieve their founding objectives. The purpose of both corporations is to be able to correctly protect the exercise of their profession, making it a service to the citizen by guaranteeing their rights. The General Council is constituted by the Plenary and the Board of Presidents.

Our goals and objectives

  • Promote the leadership of Industrial Engineers as one of the most qualified professionals to develop positions and functions in different sectors.
  • Defend the interests of citizens by ensuring the correct exercise of the profession.
  • Maintain the prestige and influence that the Industrial Engineering degree has had on the progress of society.

General Council of Official Chambers of Industrial Engineers
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SER - Swedish Society of Electrical and Computer Engineers

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SER - Swedish Society of Electrical and Computer Engineers

Who are we?

SER is the Swedish Society of Electrical and Computer Engineers. It is based in Stockholm. The society has over 2000 individual members, and is financed entirely by their membership dues. It is independent from any political and labour organisations.

Our goals and objectives

  • Promote contacts and collaboration between engineers,
  • Influence the development of technology in society and promote professional skills development,
  • Organise lectures, seminars, educational or company visits covering a variety of topics.
Swedish Society of Electrical and Computer Engineers (SER)
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Electrosuisse - Association for Electrical Engineering, Power and Information Technologies


Electrosuisse - Association for Electrical Engineering, Power and Information Technologies

Who we are?

Electrosuisse was founded in 1889 and has 6700 members (Professionals and companies). The headquarter is based in Fehraltorf, near Zurich.
Electrosuisse offers top-quality services and products through inspection, consulting, testing, certification, standardization and further education. By organizing established professional events, the association promotes knowledge transfer and know-how exchange and strengthens the technology network. Promoting the safe, economical and environmentally friendly use of energy technology remains a central goal in all activities. Electrosuisse also supports the Swiss economy in international standardization bodies in the field of electrical engineering.

Our goals and objectives

  • Promoting the safe, economical and environmentally friendly use of energy technology.
  • Our members support through industry information, further education, standardization, testing and certification as well as the representation of branch and professional interests in public.
  • Further education and professional events on the topics of electrical engineering, energy technology, information technology and mobility.
  • Knowledge transfer and cross-sector contacts with experts and personalities from schools, business and politics.
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Angebote von EUREL