Jahr | Preisträger | Titel der Dissertation | mehr Informationen |
2019 | Dr.-Ing. Tobias Rommel | lmplementation and Analysis of a Multiple-lnput Multiple-Output concept for spaceborne High-Resolution wide-swath synthetic Aperture Radar | > mehr |
2019 | Dr.-Ing. Jens Steinwandt | Advanced Array Processing Algorithms for Multi-Dimensional Parameter Estimation | >mehr |
2019 | Dr.-Ing. Harry Weber | Entwurf und Analyse nichtlinearer Schaltungen und Systeme mit der selbstkonsistenten Carleman-Linearisierung | > mehr |
2018 | Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fehenberger | Analysis and Optimization of Coded Modulation for Nonlinear Fiber-Optic Communication Systems | > mehr |
2018 | Dr.-Ing. Yuan Gao | LOW RF-Complexity Massive MIMO Systems: Antenna Selection and Hybrid Analog-Digital Beamforming | > mehr |
2018 | Dr.-Ing. Björn Richerzhagen | Mechanism Transitions in Publish/Subscribe Systems | > mehr |
2017 | Dr. Valeria Gracheva | Multichannel Analysis of Medium Grazing Angle Sea Clutter for Airborne Microwave Radar Systems | > mehr |
2017 | Dr.-Ing. Michael Fauß | Design und Analysis of Optimal and Minimax Robust Sequential Hypothesis Test | > mehr |
2017 | Dr. Michelangelo Villano | Staggered Synthetic Aperture Radar | > mehr |
2017 | Dr.-Ing. Johannes Nehring | Highly Integrated Microwave Vector Network Analysis Circuits and Systems for Instrumentation and Sensing Applications | > mehr |
2016 | Dr.-Ing. Markus Gardill | Charakterisierung und Entwurf von kleinen Gruppenantennen zur Winkelschätzung für ultrabreitbandige industrielle FMCW-Radarsysteme | > mehr |
2016 | Dr.-Ing. Tina Thiessen | Geometrisches Konzept zur Simulation degenerierter elektronischer Schaltungen ohne Regularisierung | > mehr |
2016 | Dr.-Ing. Veit Kleeberger | Resilient Cross-Layer Design of digital Integrated Circuits | > mehr |
2016 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph Ide | Resource-Efficient LTE Machine-Type Communication in Vehicular Environments | > mehr |
2015 | Dr-Ing. Michael Betz | The Cern Resonant Weakly Interacting Sub-eV Particle Search (CROWS) | > mehr |
2015 | Dr-Ing. Gabor Vinci | Sechstor-basierte Ortung und Entfernungsmessung | > mehr |
2014 | Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Delphine Christin | Privacy in Participatory Sensing – User-Controlled Privacy-Preserving Solutions for Mobile Sensing Applications | > mehr |
2014 | Dr.-Ing. Lars Reichardt | Methodik für den Entwurf von kapazitätsoptimierten Mehrantennensystemen am Fahrzeug | > mehr |
2014 | Dr.-Ing. Thorsten S. Albach | Magnetostriktive Mikroaktoren und deren Anwendung als Mikrolautsprecher | > mehr |
2013 | Dr. rer. nat. Ali Eren Culhaoglu | Microwave Metamaterials: Superlensing and Design of Low Reflection Coatings | > mehr |
2013 | Dr.-Ing. Jakob Hoydis | Random Matrix Methods for Advanced Communication Systems | > mehr |
2013 | Dr.-Ing. Martin Kördel | Berührungslose ortsauflösende Inspektion planarer Elektronik auf Grundlage | > mehr |
2012 | Dr.-Ing. Jia Chen | Compact Laser Spectroscopic Gas Sensors using Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers | > mehr |
2012 | Dr.-Ing Jürgen Seiler | Signal Extrapolation Using Sparse Representations and its Applications in Video Communication | > mehr |
2012 | Dr.-Ing. Martin Strasser | Deterministische hierarchische Platzierung analoger integrierter Schaltungen | > mehr |
2011 | Dr.-Ing. Vadim Issakov | Microwave Circuits for 24 GHz Radar Front-End Applications in CMOS and Bipolar Technologies | > mehr |
2011 | Dr.-Ing Kiattisak Maichalernnukul | Design and Performance of Ultrawideband Relay Systems | > mehr |
2011 | Dr.-Ing. Juan Pontes | Analysis and Design of Multiple Element Antennas for Urban Communication | > mehr |
2010 | Dr.-Ing. Timo Pfau | Development and Real-Time Implementation of Digital Signal Processing Algorithms for Coherent Optical Receivers | > mehr |
2010 | Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Krach | Sensor Fusion by Bayesian Filtering for Seamless Pedestrian Navigation | > mehr |
2010 | Dr.-Ing. Aleksandra Kovačević | Peer-to-Peer Location-Based Search:Engineering a Novel Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network | > mehr |
2009 | Dr.-Ing. Andreas Matiss | Entwurf und Realisierung neuartiger Schaltungskonzepte mit Resonanztunneldioden | > mehr |
2009 | Dr.-Ing. Stefan Zöls | Peer-to-Peer Networking in Heterogeneous Communication Networks | > mehr |
2008 | Dr.-Ing. Marcin Wiczanowski | Algorithmic and Analytic Framework for Optimization of Multi-User Performance in Wireless Networks with Interference | > mehr |
2008 | Dr.-Ing. Robert Aichner | Acoustic Blind Source Separation in Reverberant and Noisy Environments | > mehr |
2008 | Dr.-Ing. Stefan Müller | Grundlegende Untersuchungen steuerbarer passiver Flüssigkristall-Komponenten für die Mikrowellentechnik | > mehr |
2007 | Dr. techn. Ingrid Graz | Dielectric barrier microdischarges, ferroelectrets and their applications | > mehr |
2007 | Dr.-Ing. Guido Dietl | Linear Estimation and Detection in Krylov Subspaces | > mehr |
2007 | Dr.-Ing. Michal Bezdek | A Boundary Integral Method for Modeling Sound Waves in Moving Media and its Application to Ultrasonic Flowmeters | > mehr |
2006 | Dr. Phd. Zoltán Mann | Partitioning algorithms for hardware/software co-design | > mehr |
2006 | Dr.-Ing. Hannes Loose | Netzwerktheoretische Modellierung einer Klasse von Oberflächenwellenfiltern | > mehr |
2006 | Dr.-Ing. Aydin Sezgin | Space-Time Codes for MIMO systems: Quasi-Orthogonal Design and Concatenation | > mehr |